Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

Life Is A Fu**ing $*it Show — A bad lunch.



Life throws shit at you most of the time, and this is one of the examples of the same.

All I wanted to have was a peaceful and tasty lunch. It’s 2:00 PM, and I didn’t eat anything since I woke up at 8:00 AM. My depressed self is

  1. In no mood to cook because if I cook, I need to do the dishes, and I really don’t want to do that.
  2. I am in no mood to order the food online. It takes a lot of time to decide — hundreds of restaurants, and each has fifty dishes on average, that’s 5,000 choices on average. Well, it’s no joke, so I skipped it.

I decided to go to a small restaurant nearby. It’s a self-service place — here, you get a meal ticket on a counter and you collect the food from other counter by showing your ticket. And I wanted to have some simple food, hoping it won’t hurt my stomach later. This is a simple wish. But things didn’t go the way I thought. I reached the restaurant at 2:45 PM (The 45 min were already occupied by thinking about the two points mentioned above), and now I am more hungry and can’t control myself.

The first thing I see is a long queue of people waiting to buy a food ticket, and I have no choice but to join the line. I started thinking about what I would eat among the thirty dishes on the menu. Here’s my process to decide on the dish for myself.

  1. Sort out the dishes that are not too costly but should sufficiently fill me up.
  2. It’s a dish I had never tasted, and I wondered if I could take the risk. Ummmm… let’s see among the usual ones because I am pretty hungry now, and I don’t want to mess this up.
  3. Among these, I started imagining how the dish tasted and how I would feel when I had my first bite of that food.

Finally, it’s 3:00 PM, and I decide on a dish. It’s my turn at the ticket counter. I asked them for the token for the dish that I chose the next thing they say is it was not available. I screamed in my mind F**k you because I needed to go through the entire process again to decide on another dish.

We saw each other’s faces for the next 20 seconds; he shouted at me, “to decide quickly,” and I yelled at him, “why the hell is that dish not available” — of course, screaming in our minds. Somehow with a lot of patience, I decide on another meal and went to the other counter to collect my meal.

I hand over my food token to the guy, who starts putting it together. Finally, my food is here. The next thing I saw on my plate was the missing dessert, and when I asked the waiter, he said the desserts were over (out of stock). I had every right to call the manager and slap him and ask, “What the F**k is going on in this stupid restaurant.” Still, if I did it, it would occupy a few minutes, and I am hungry and can’t wait anymore. So, I decided to keep my head down and eat whatever the shit I was presented with. I took the first bite, and the food was cold. You see, life is a severe shit show, and this ruined my whole day.

All I wanted to do was have a good and peaceful lunch.

