Is this a perfect relationship?

3 min readOct 12, 2023


Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

Picture this:

  • A picturesque sunset
  • Two people deeply in love
  • Laughing together without a care in the world

Society often sells this image of a perfect relationship through movies, books, and social media. But is that idealistic portrayal a true reflection of real-life relationships? Is there such a thing as a “perfect” relationship?

Relationships are complex, whether we talk about married couples or college couples. This is because we’re talking about two different individuals who were raised differently by different people who had different life experiences — challenges, happiness, sorrow, friends, etc. all together, and thoroughly understanding each other would be almost impossible.

Despite such dissimilarities, we crave a healthy relationship because we want to be happy. Isn’t that the point you were in a relationship for? But we need to work towards making it healthy or “perfect”. The effort that we need to put into our relationship may differ from person to person — taking time and going on long walks with your partner, helping your partner in the household activities, or being sexually involved regularly; it can be as simple as just respecting and taking care of them or anything else. But from the perspective of individual tasks, it’s very complex and almost impossible to understand. Instead, we can look at it from a higher level; let’s divide it into three categories.

  1. Mental
  2. Emotional
  3. Physical


This has to do with ensuring that you both are on the same frequency mentally. Showing support to each other’s decisions and correcting each other if one is making a wrong decision. Sharing each other’s successes, goals, and failures. Sometimes, you must make your partner understand, whereas sometimes, you need to know what they say. In short, it’s trying to ensure you guys are on the same page.

For example, if your partner is into fitness and you don’t like going to the gym, you can still make an effort by motivating them or trying to go for a couple of workouts with them. They are really going to appreciate this.

This is not easy, but you can keep going and must also put in the effort in relationships. The real journey begins when you put in the effort.


Emotions are nothing but being sad, happy, or just angry. Multiple things in your life can trigger these emotions, and you need to acknowledge your partner’s feelings. Be with them in their happiness; be there when they are angry and trying to take some heat off.

For example, imagine your partner bringing coffee to your bed without asking if you are having a long day and tired. That would calm you, wouldn’t it? And you can go to bed peacefully with a feeling that someone will stand with you, and you won’t be afraid of any storm in your life because together you will win.


We are human beings, and being physically active is wired into us. Initially, this is how both of you were attracted to each other. But some may like being physically active frequently, whereas others may not like it too often. You need to understand the needs of each other.

Being mentally and emotionally involved is a base for healthy physical relationships. Things happen naturally from both sides if you put effort into the first two zones.

A healthy relationship can have multiple aspects, but these are the major ones. I do not say these are the only steps, but they are steps in the right direction; you will figure out your own way or style of maintaining healthy relationships along the way.

It’s not easy. It requires effort, just as the efforts you put in your job to earn money. But stay strong, and you will reach there.

